Android 13.0
1 power button
3 custom keys F1-F3
Charging indicator
Front 5 megapixels
rear 13 megapixels
2 SIM card slot
1 TF card slot(256GB)
GPS (AGPs), Beidou
error range ±5m
support 256GB
Micro TF card
Storage capacity 1000 pieces
TCS1 biometric fingerprint
working temperature: -20℃~+55℃
Storage temperature: -20℃/-40℃~+70℃
Data communication: 5G
WIFI: dual-band WIFI
Bluetooth: Bluetooth5.1
Read and write distance:3-5cm
UHF :865-868MHz or 902-928MHz
Protocol : EPC C1 GEN2ISO 18000-6c protocol.
Reading distance: 0-20M (affected by label and environment)
HF :13.56MHz
Protocol : ISO15693、ISO14443.
Protocol : ISO 11784&11785
Scanning engine: Newland NLS CM60/other
Recognition barcode types: PDF417, MicroPDF417, Composite, RSS, TLC-39, Datamatrix, QR code, Micro QR code, Aztec, MaxiCode, Postal Codes, US PostNet, US Planet, UK Postal, Australian Postal, Japan Postal, Dutch Postal, etc. Recognition accuracy: CMOS accuracy ≥ 3mil